Power and Witness - 02/10/2020 - From Model to Messenger of God’s Love

Joelle Maryn is a Catholic Speaker and Evangelist who has been featured on various Christian TV and radio shows. Her message of God's healing love has radiated hope and purpose in life to many around the world. In her past, she has modeled for well known brands such as Jergens, was on a billboard in Times Square, appeared on numerous book covers, films and news interviews and is the former Host of Trend TV. In 2012, she hit a spiritual rock bottom and realized she was completely empty despite these worldly accomplishments. She had a major encounter with Jesus and in His mercy, was given another chance to love and lead others to Him. After years in ministry, she now speaks full time and works with youth and adults to cultivate spiritual growth in their lives and to have a personal relationship with Jesus through her talks and the healing power of prayer, music and the sacraments.