Means, Mass & Music

This week, how Ace McKay dives into the great shows in Podcast Central. We start the show with a better understanding of the elements during mass. "Daily Dose of Encouragement" has been in a series that you can catch up on in podcast central but they help is grasp the elements and their importance. When we have a weary heart and feel we need to reboot. Just like our computers it helps so "Splendor of You" host Deby Schlapprizzi dives into a Serach 42:15-25 which can help our heavy hearts and minds to find peace and In this light-hearted Desert Reflection, Jillian chats with Alissa West about listening to music as a means to foster healing. She touches into the science behind it as well as her background as a music therapist. We’re also comparing the effectiveness of listening to religious vs. secular songs.