Ave Maria in the Afternoon
Biblical theologian and commentator Dr. Marcus Peter examines Church, culture, and current events through the lens of Faith, from the heart of the Church.
Preparing our Souls for Suffering
We discuss the rise of Catholic apps and cognitive wellness culture with Dr. William Gonch, and celebrate the Feast of St Patrick with Bill Cook.
“This is my Chosen Son; Listen to Him”
In this Sunday’s Gospel we hear the story of the Transfiguration. We unpack the readings with Rob Corzine, and discuss the problems with the modern-day religion of humanity with Daniel Mahoney.
Which States Protect Churches from Lockdowns?
Since the Covid lockdowns, several states have revised their laws so Churches will not be forced to shut down again. We discuss this and other Church news with Matthew Bunson.
Ban on Conversion Therapy?
Several US colleges are offering “Plan B” pills in vending machines. We talk about it with Kathy Schiffer, and look at the Church’s hour of testing with Fr. Donald Haggerty.
Decline of Christianity in America Leveling Off?
The saints weren’t perfect – they were regular people with regular quirks and temperments. We celebrate them with Rosemary Berry, and talk with John Doherty about the history of Religious Freedom in America.
Gavin Newsom's Surprising Statements
Neuroscience tells us we are hardwired for relationships. Sofia Carozza explains how. Also, Doug Keck discusses Gavin Newsom’s recent comments about how transgender women shouldn’t be allowed to play female sports.
The Temptation of Jesus
We visit Jesus’ temptation in the desert as we unpack the Sunday readings with Rob Corzine, and Fr William Slattery discusses the meaning of a Catholic worldview.
Possible Eucharistic Miracle in Indianapolis
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis is investigating a possible Eucharistic Miracle. Matthew Bunson has the details and we discuss the healing power of Lent with Fr. Mathias Thelen.
Lent and the Divine Life
We continue our Ash Wednesday special with Steve Ray, Jared Staudt and Carl Olson, discussing the Biblical roots of Ash Wednesday and what the saints say about the season.
Don’t Just “Give Something Up” this Lent
How can you help your family grow in holiness this Lent? Marcus talks with Dr Greg Popcak and takes your calls.
Lent is upon us, are you ready?
Did Lent sneak up on you again? Doug Keck helps us prepare. We also look at the Unifying, Divisive Doctrine of the Papacy with Joe Heschmeyer.
The Splinter in your Brother’s Eye
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus commands us to remove the wooden beam from our eye. We unpack the readings with Rob Corzine. Also, Roger Nutt shares his memories of meeting the popes and the role of the papacy in Church life.
Catholic Priests Attacked in Mozambique
Two Catholic priests were attacked this weekend in Mozambique. Matthew Bunson has the latest on this and other Church news and we ask what this nation’s history can tell us about its future with Dr Jim Davis.
Nuance Is Key to the US Immigration-Crisis Conversation
Marcus talks with Andrea Picciotti-Bayer about the need for nuance when discussing immigration, Josh Haskell shares how he overcame sexual addiction, and we prepare for Lent with Colleen Vermeulen.
Does the Church Leave Room for Magisterial Error?
Does the Church leave room for magisterial error? We talk with Matthew Levering and Marcus reflects on Pope Francis’ papacy with clips from commentaries Al Kresta wrote over the years.
Praying for the Pope
Toeldo Bishop Daniel Thomas joins us to discuss his response to President Trump’s IVF order and we look at the latest on Pope Francis’ health with Doug Keck. Also, Paul Kengor looks at the devilish roots of Karl Marx.
Love Your Enemies, do Good to Those Who Hate You
Rob Corzine joins us with a preview of the Sunday readings and we discuss the principle of Ordo Amoris with Dr. Daniel Gordon.
Our Culture’s Attack on Masculinity
Video has surfaced showing a female Anglican minister concelebrating a Mass. We discuss the story with Matthew Bunson and “Slow down for God” with Mark McMinn.
Trump’s Constitutional Triad
What did the Carter presidency tell us about Christians in politics? Darryl Hart joins us.
The Cost of Fruitfulness
Fr. Brian Graebe looks back on the 1700 years since the Council of Nicaea and Marcus responds to a claim that the Nazis “tood advantage” of Free Speech laws.
Jefferson’s Faithless Faith
Marcus discusses the “Faithless Faith” of Thomas Jefferson and Wes Smith looks at the latest states that are considering assisted suicide bills.
Rejoice and leap for joy on that day!
We unpack the Sunday Readings with Rob Corzine and Christine Flynn shares how she moved beyond “Spiritual, but not Religious.”
Marc Fogel’s Family: Sustained by Faith
Matthew Bunson discusses recent Church news and we look at a day in the life of the Holy Family with Steve Ray.
The Church’s Capacity to Aid those in Need
We look at the ongoing situation with USAID with Andrea Picciotti-Bayer and Dave Anders shares how the Catholic Church saved his marriage.
The Lifelong Effects of Childhood Discipline
Pope Francis has appointed a new Archbishop of Detroit. Auxiliary Bishop Jeffrey Monforton joins us with the news. We also discuss the lifelong effects of discipline with Dr Greg Popcak and the legacy of the Monroe Doctrine with Brad Birzer.
To Whom Shall we Go?
What lessons have you learned from your years of marriage? Marcus takes your calls.
Put out into Deep Water and Lower your Nets for a Catch
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells Simon and his fellow fishermen to put out their nets for a catch. Rob Corzine unpacks the readings with us, and we reflect on the present moment in politics with Charlie Self.
What does China’s DeepSeek AI say about Christianity?
How does a new Chinese AI Chatbot react to questions of Christianity? Matthew Bunson joins us, and Italian travel expert Teresa Tomeo discusses the Shrines and Wonders of Italy.
Expanding School Choice
The public view of Congress is dismally low – so why do so many members get reelected? We talk with Randall Smith and discuss fact-checking in a world without Truth with Janice Breidenbach.
Make Your Family a Team!
How do you build up your family and work together as a team? We talk with Dr. Greg Popcak, then Marcus takes your calls.
Vance vs the Bishops
Did you know the holiday Groundhog Day has Catholic roots? Ryan Bilodeau explains. We also discuss how Church and State can work to the Common Good with Frank DeVito and discuss the pscyhology of Pascal with James Matthew Wilson.
For my Eyes Have Seen your Salvation
Tess Livingstone tells the extraordinary story of the life of George Cardinal Pell and we unpack the Sunday readings with Rob Corzine.
Vatican Weighs in on Artificial Intelligence
The Vatican has released its first decree on Artificial Intelligence. We’ll talk about it with Matthew Bunson, who also recaps other Church news, and Monica Ashour shares her experiences from nearly 30 years of teaching the Theology of the Body.
Beware of the Deepfake Magisterium
Andrea Picciotti-Bayer has details on President Trump’s Executive Order restricting transgender treatment for minors and Travis Curtright discusses Thomas More’s example of holiness. We also talk AI and Deepfakes with Mike Dougherty.
My Education Experience
Are your toddler’s tantrums getting the best of you? Dr Greg Popcak has some tips. Then we open the phone lines to hear your stories on how you have educated your kids – what has worked? What hasn’t worked? Marcus takes your calls.
The Latin Mass and the Youth
Why is the Traditional Latin Mass so popular among youth? Phil Campbell joins us. We also discuss Catholic education beyond the classroom with Doug Keck and man’s quest for immortality with Matthew Becklo.
"Today, the Scriptures have been Fulfilled”
Steve Ray takes us down the Road to Damascus to celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul and we unpack the Sunday readings with Rob Corzine and discuss why it was so scandalous when Jesus declared the Scriptures had been fulfilled.
The Transformation of Post-Revolution America
A new CARA study shows a sharp decline in credible allegations against priests. Matthew Bunson has more and we talk with Shawn McGhee about how the revolution transformed the American identity.
Recapping Trump’s Executive Orders
Andrea Picciotti-Bayer breaks down some of the early executive orders signed by President Trump and we discuss the Pslams with Mary McDonald.
Should we let our kids use social media?
Do kids need a smartphone? Should they use social media? What are some good practices your family can put into place? We talk with Dr Greg Popcak and then take your calls.
President Trump Returns to Office
What can Catholics expect from a second Trump administration? We talk with Peter Laffin and Doug Keck, and also look at the Equal Rights Amendment with John Czarnetzky.
“Do Whatever He Tells You”
Rob Corzine transports us to the Wedding Feast at Cana to unpack this Sunday’s readings and we honor the wisdom of Food for the Journey host Sr Ann Shields, who is retiring after thirty years on the air.
Benedict gave me a “Box of Papal Secrets”
Matthew Bunson reports on the latest Church news, including a box of Vatican secrets Pope Benedict gave to Pope Francis, and we discuss the Name of Jesus with Steve Ray.
Court Strikes Down Biden’s Gender Identity Rule
A federal court has struck down Biden admin rules that included gender identity in Title IX laws. Andrea Picciotti-Bayer has more, and we look at the religious views of Isaac Newton with James Ungureanu.
Italy Bans Surrogacy
The Italian Parliament has approved a bill making surrogacy a universal crime. We examine the ethical implications with Marianna Orlandi, and Os Guinness discusses the “Greatest Revolution in History.”
A Pastoral Guide to Abortion, Trauma and Grief
Fr. James Kubicki joins us with daily devotions for the full year and David Pinault discusses how the people of Taiwan view themselves, China and the West.
The Initiation of Baptism
This Sunday we hear of John’s baptism of Jesus. We unpack the readings with Rob Corzine.
The Top Church News Stories of 2024
Matthew Bunson recaps the top church stories of the last year.
Light from Darkness: The Church Rises from Turmoil
Matthew Bunson has the details on the new Archbishop of Washington, DC and we look at the times the Church has risen from darkness with Steve Weidenkopf.
Archbishop Sheen: The Convert-Maker
We discuss the life of Fulton Sheen with Cheryl Hughes and Carl Olson presents the biggest obstacles to Synodality.
From the LDS to the Catholic Church
Richard Sherlock shares his journey from the Church of Latter-Day Saints to Catholicism and how Catholics can better dialogue with Mormons, and we look back on Al’s 2012 interview with Jimmy Carter.
The Biblical Covenant of Marriage
We conclude our 2024 Year in Review with John Bergsma, looking at the Biblical Covenant of marriage.
The Eucharist and the Transformation of Politics
We discuss how the Eucharist can transform politics and culture with Roger Nutt and Robert Dunn.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Steve Ray celebrates the Feast of Mary, Mother of God and Ralph Martin shares his journey into a life of the Spirit.
The End of “Post-Conciliar Catholicism”
Is Concilliar Catholicism in America at an end? George Weigel joins us and we look back on the final segments of Kresta in the Afternoon, speaking with Al’s wife, Sally, and son James.
The Dependence on the Spirit
In this hour of our year in review, we hear Al Kresta’s final commentary, exploring what St. Paul says about religious dialogue. We also listen to a conversation between Al and Marcus about the Road to Emmaus and discuss the Work of the Spirit with Charlie Self.
A Response to Elon Musk’s “Cultural Christianity”
We continue our review of the top interviews of 2024. Ryan Bilodeau responds to Elon Musk’s Cultural Christianity and Marcus reflects on witnessing the 9/11 attacks in a Muslim-majority country.
Behold the Demon: Nietzsche as Destroyer
In this hour of the year-end review we look at the thought of Nietzsche with Brad Birzer and Christine Rosen asks if Americans can learn to trust again. We also hear the last interview Al Kresta ever recorded.
Remembering Al
We continue our review of the top segments of 2024, including a commentary from Al about the meaning of holiness in marriage. We also talk to Patrick O’Hearn about support for dads grieving the loss of a child.
Fulfilling Messianic Prophecy
We unpack the Sunday readings with Rob Corzine and discuss how Christ fulfills the Messianic prophecies with Andre Villeneuve.
About Suffering
Adam Wright shares how his battle with cancer has taught him about suffering.
Dr. John Bergsma on the Jubilee
We continue our look at the Biblical roots of the Jubilee with John Bergsma.
Grew in Faith this Year?
How have you grown in your faith this year? Marcus takes your calls.
The Atheism of Stephen Hawking
We discuss the atheism of Stephen Hawking with Pat Flynn and prepare to step into the Jubliee Year with Fr. Wayne Sattler.
John the Baptist’s Promise
We unpack the Sunday readings with Rob Corzine, looking at John the Baptist’s promise of one who is coming to baptize with the Spirit. Also, Stan Butt joins us with spiritual meditations from Les Miserables.
Pope Francis and President Abbas
Shannon Mullen joins us with a look at the latest Church news, including Pope Francis’ meeting with Palestinian president Abbas and Nancy Pelosi’s criticism of the Vatican-China deal.
John Bergsma on the Jubilee
Andrea Picciotti-Bayer weighs in on Louisiana’s decision to display the 10 Commandments in Public schools and John Bergsma discusses the Biblical roots of the Jubilee.
Recommending Books
What books have you read recently that you’d What books have you read recently that you’d recommend to others? Marcus takes your calls. to others? Marcus takes your calls.
The Immaculate Conception
We celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception with Steve Ray and Marcus reflects on how Fulton Sheen showed us that Life is worth Living.
Notre Dame Re-Opens
This Sunday’s Gospel takes us into the desert to meet John the Baptist. We unpack the readings with Rob Corzine, and Bill Cook discusses the history of cathedrals as Notre Dame de Paris prepares to re-open.
Divine Marriage in the Song of Songs
Matthew Bunson introduces us to the Church’s newest cardinals and we look at Divine Marriage in the Song of Songs with Andre Villeneuve.
End Times Theology
Andrea Picciotti-Bayer has the latest on a Supreme Court case that considers sex changes for minors and we discuss End Times theology with Dr. David Anders.
An Advent for the Family
How can you help your family grow closer to Jesus this Advent? Marcus talks with Dr Greg Popcak and then takes your calls.
Skeptics Become Converts
Doug Keck helps us begin the season of Advent and we discuss when Skeptics become converts with Nathan Guy.
The Meaning of Democracy
We unpack the Sunday Gospel with Rob Corzine and discuss the meaning of democracy with James Hankins.
The Meaning of Thanksgiving
We discuss the history and meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday with Melanie Kirkpatrick and Richard Samuelson.
Womb Transplants?
Andrew Kubick joins us to examine the bioethical challenges of womb transplants.
The Spirit of Gratefulness
Dr. Greg Popcak discusses how you can promote a spirit of gratefulness in your family, and Marcus takes your calls on what you’re thankful for this year.
From Messianic Movement to the Church
We discuss Thanksgiving and the Eucharist with Doug Keck and Matthew Wiseman shares his conversion from the Messianic Movement to the Catholic Church.
The Feast of Christ the King
We unpack the Sunday readings for the Feast of Christ the King and talk about the latest Church news with Matthew Bunson.
Recent Catholic News
Dr. Matthew Bunson delivers all the most recent news taking place in the Catholic Church.
We explore We explore the Biblical covenant of Marriage with Dr. John Bergsma.with Dr. John Bergsma.
Overcoming Anxiety
We discuss overcoming anxiety with Dr Greg Popcak, then Marcus takes your calls on your own experiences with anxiety.
The Future of Media Bias
We look at the future of media bias with Hunter Baker and Steve Ray explains why Purgatory is Heaven’s “front porch.”
Just Another Guy in the Pew
Rob Corzine unpacks the Sunday readings and John Edwards, “just another guy in the pew,” shares how he met Jesus in a jail cell.
Why Kamala Harris Lost?
Matthew Bunson reports on the USCCB Fall Assembly and Ken Craycraft looks at two reasons why Kamala Harris lost the election.
A Man’s Search for Marriage
Darren Geist discusses man’s search for marriage.
A Civil Post-Election Family Thanksgiving?
How do you have a civil family thanksgiving dinner after another uncivil election cycle? Marcus takes your calls.
A Global Children’s Rights Movement?
Paul Kengor discusses John Paul II and the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Stacy Manning explains why we need a Global Children’s Rights Movement.
Returning to Catholic Sanity
Rob Corzine unpacks this Sunday’s Gospel – the story of the Widow’s mite – and we discuss returning to Catholic sanity with Roger Nutt.
The Jewishness of Jesus
Matthew Bunson looks ahead to next week’s USCCB Assembly and how Donald Trump’s victory might affect its agenda, and we look at the Jewishness of Jesus with Andre Villeneuve.
The Root of Our Political Divisions
Andrea Picciotti-Bayer discusses what the next administration’s policies could mean for religious liberty and Victoria Coates discusses foreign policy. Also, George Weigel discusses the issue at the root of our political divisions and Marcus shares what it meant to him to vote for the first time as a US Citizen.
Election Day Special
Election Day special: Greg Popcak helps us deal with anxiety over the election and life, and we talk with John Pinheiro about the American experiment in ordered liberty. Finally, Marcus offers an election day Litany to Mary, the patroness of America.
How Abortion was Sold to the US
Wes Smith honors the life of the late Rita Marker, a champion of the anti-euthanasia movement, and Sue Ellen Browder tells the story of the advertising campaign that sold abortion to the US.
Why We Pray to the Saints?
Karlo Broussard explains why we pray to the saints and we unpack the Sunday Gospel with Rob Corzine.
Saints alive in you life
Matthew Bunson updates us on the end of the Synod on Synodality and we take your calls on how you make the saints come alive in your lives.
Daily Devotionals for Men
Fr Wade Menezes has tips for daily devotionals for men.
What Young People Need from the Church
Greg Popcak has tips for praying as a family and we take your calls on what young people need from the Church.
The Beauty Crisis
Emily Malloy explores a Eucharistic answer to our “beauty crisis” and we celebrate the month of the Rosary with Steve Ray.
Jesus Heals a Blind Man
We unpack the upcoming Sunday Gospel, when Jesus heals a blind man, with Rob Corzine.