The Spirit World
The Spirit World offers a Catholic perspective on issues related to angels, demons, and how the spiritual and physical worlds interact. Hosted by Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai.
St. Patrick and St. Joseph
Debbie and Adam bust some superstitions about two of everyone's favorite saints: St. Patrick in Irish culture and St. Joseph in Sicilian culture. Have you ever buried a statue of St. Joseph to sell a house? Don't. Is St. Patrick's day just an excuse to party? Go deeper. Plus, they take caller questions and stories about mystical and cultural experiences with these powerhouse saints.
March Open Forum
The Spirit World Open Forum is your opportunity to ask Debbie and Adam anything that puzzles you about the invisible world where angels and demons are active, and where your own soul is either moving away from or closer to God. We *love* hearing from *you.* Call in at 877-757-9424.
What Makes a Saint, with Bishop William Waltershied
On this episode of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam sit down for an exclusive interview with Bishop William Waltersheid, auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. With the canonization of Bl. Carlo Acutis right around the corner, Bishop Waltersheid helps us understand what actually makes a saint.
Designing Your Lenten Discipline
If you plan your Lent in advance, you can experience so many more spiritual benefits and graces and joys than if you just try to wing it. Let’s plan together! Debbie and Adam will help you with ideas to get the most out of your prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in Lent this year. Share your own ideas with the rest of the radio family as well.
Facets of Love
God is love. That means love is the most spiritual thing of all. Today, Debbie and Adam will talk about the several different kinds of love that form our lives, and especially about the incredible, immeasurable, inconceivable divine love that God gives us.
Does Death Frighten You?
It is the greatest fear that humans typically have. Yet we know that Jesus has triumphed over death and that it is now our doorway into Heaven. On this episode of The Spirit World, Adam and Debbie will talk about how we as Christians should think of death spiritually, and they are taking your questions about death live on the air too.
Top Questions
Is it spiritually dangerous to gather with relatives who are Freemasons? Can demons perform healing miracles? Can necromancy improve therapy? Can you send your guardian angel to Mass for you? Will a beloved horse be in Heaven? What does a soul actually do in Heaven? Today, Debbie and Adam are answering the top questions we’ve received via email.
What's In a Name?
Names are important and powerful in the spiritual world. They tell us the very nature of a being and they carry authority. Especially the name of Jesus, which the month of January is dedicated to. On this episode, Debbie and Adam answer caller questions about names and hear some fascinating stories of the power of names to work in our lives and in the spirit world.
Catholic and Curious with Mons. Charles Pope
Monsignor Charles Pope joins Debbie and Adam to clear up many basic things about the practice of the Catholic faith that even good Catholics find it easy to miss. Do you know what you don’t know? Listen to this episode and you may find a tried-and-true way to reinvigorate your faith life.
January Open Forum
Debbie and Adam answer listener questions about suicide, lingering spirits, sage cleansing, whether we should pray for the dead in hell, which Epiphany blessing to use, Epiphany water, psychotic internet friends, whether demons have to expose themselves on Halloween, recommended books about angels, and more.
New Year Bootcamp Challenge
As you make your goals and plans for the new year, prioritize your spiritual health. Debbie and Adam have a bootcamp challenge that will help you make 2025 your best year yet. Begin again in Christ! They also answer some heartfelt listener questions about sin, repentance, and confession. Give us a call when the show is live at 877-757-9424.
The Nativity Stage Managers
The Holy Angels played a huge role in setting the scene for the birth of Jesus. From the Annunciation, to the shepherds, to the miraculous star, to the dreams that Joseph had: It’s like God tasked them to be the stage managers of the whole production. Their job is to turn our attention to Christ and we will look at how they do that on this episode of The Spirit World. Debbie and Adam also take listeners calls with stories of angel encounters and questions about what angels look like.
December Open Forum
Debbie and Adam answer listener questions about a murder victim, what we can or can't learn from demons, resources for adult catechesis, praying for the dead vs. dialoging with them, whether ghost tours are a good idea, and more.
The Holy Face Miracle
This Saturday on The Spirit World, Allan Smith from joins Debbie and Adam to talk about how devotion to the Holy Face can increase your faith this Advent.
The Advent Challenge
Are you up for the Advent Challenge? We believe you are! It’s easy to see why the world focuses so much on the celebration of Christmas this time of year. It’s so joyful and fun that it can tend to overshadow the season of Advent. So Debbie and Adam are challenging you to really dive deep into Advent this year. Give us a call live on the show at 877-757-9424.
Your Spiritual New Year
It is foolish to undertake any major task without proper preparation. Even for Thanksgiving dinner we plan well in advance. How much more important is it for us to get ready to encounter God? On today’s show, Debbie and Adam will talk about what it means to prepare your spirit and ways that you can do that in your own life.
November Open Forum
Debbie and Adam answer listener questions about intrusive thoughts, apparitions of dead loved ones, addictions, a Braille missal, and more.
November Mailbag
So many responses came in from our two-part series on Heaven. You all have very insightful questions. This week’s show will be focused on answering the inquiries that Debbie and Adam have received via email and social media. If you have a question for a future mailbag show, email
Heaven Is Calling
Joining us on this All Souls’ Day is Fr. Wade Menezes from the Fathers of Mercy. We are taking your calls related to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Give us a call live on the show at 877-757-9424.
We Don’t Imagine Heaven Enough
When you think of the communion of saints, the “great cloud of witnesses,” what do you picture in your mind? Do you think about the different levels of glory? Do you realize how each saint is full to capacity with the love of God? With the Solemnity of All Saints coming up soon, let’s picture Heaven together on this episode of The Spirit World. Ask your questions about saints and salvation live on the show at 877-757-9424.
October Open Forum
October is chock-full of saint commemorations. It’s also dedicated to the Holy Rosary. And because of Halloween, even the secular culture is thinking about spirits, both holy and otherwise. So this is the perfect time for you to call in with your questions about angels, demons, saints, or anything in between. Give us a call live on the show Saturdays at 10am Central at 877-757-9424.
Bl. Carlo Acutis...Not Just For Kids
Blessed Carlo Acutis, who will be Saint Carlo next year, is well-known as being the first saint from the millennial generation. And even though he was only 15 when he died, Blessed Carlo Acutis is not just a saint for kids. His spirituality is extremely deep and powerful. On this episode of The Spirit World let’s grow spiritually through the example of Blessed Carlo Acutis.
The Rosary and the Prayer for Peace
The Rosary is a very powerful deliverance prayer. So many people are freed from demonic torment when the Rosary is prayed with sincerity. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is October 7th. On this edition of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam do a deep dive about the spiritual power of the Rosary. How have you been affected by the Holy Rosary?
September Open Forum
Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai take listener questions about angels, demons, addiction, sleepwalking, glowing orbs, words from Jesus, and how the invisible spiritual world we live in really operates. This is to help you live more fully in God’s reality. Give us a call live on the show at 877-757-9424.
St. Padre Pio, Pillar of Prayer
St. Padre Pio is a powerhouse in the spiritual world, both during his life on earth and now as a saint in heaven. His prayer life showed a deep connection with God and was the source of his holiness. Since his feast day is coming up soon, on this episode of The Spirit World Debbie and Adam examine the prayer life of one of our go-to patron saints. Give us a call live on the show Saturdays at 10am at 877-757-9424.
Exaltation of the Cross
The cross of Christ is our banner leading us to spiritual victory. It is the means that Jesus used to defeat the powers of death and sin. Relics of the True Cross are especially effective against demons in solemn exorcisms. On this episode of The Spirit World Debbie and Adam exalt the cross and give God thanks for the wonderful salvation He has accomplished through it. They also talk about the historical verification of relics of the true cross and answer caller questions about Jesus's divinity. Call in live on Saturdays at 10am Central to 877-757-9424.
Fear is of the Enemy
Fear is of the enemy. When you feel full of fear, that is not coming from God. But there is so much right now that is troubling to us as Catholics. It’s like everything is falling apart. On this episode, Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai talk with callers live about what is troubling them. Sharon is dealing with the loss of her mother and the breakdown of her relationship with her father. Gail is concerned about morning demons. Ana has a lot of health anxiety. Debbie and Adam offer advice and teaching. Call in live on Saturdays at 10am Central.
August Open Forum
Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai field listener calls about spiritual attacks, Muslim images, new age practices, yoga ads in bulletins, spiritual authority, and much more. This show airs live from the Guadalupe Radio Network Saturdays starting at 10am Central.
Is the End Really Near?
Since the time of Jesus, Christians have been predicting the end of the world. Even now, rumors of impending disaster are spreading fear among the faithful through the internet and podcasts. What does the Bible say about the end? What does the Church teach? How should we understand private revelations? Adam and Debbie will address all of these questions on this episode of The Spirit World.
August Mailbag
It’s time for Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai to answer the listener questions received via email. This month there are questions about fake Gregorian chant, rosary beads bothering demons, sleep disturbances, and a miraculous answer to a listener’s prayer.
Devotion to Mary
Why do so many exorcists have a strong devotion to Mary? Because they have seen her power in spiritual warfare. On this episode of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam share how you can bring a Marian dimension to your prayer life, and appeal to Mary and her virtues in your struggle with the enemy.
Could You Be the Weakest Link? Doorways to the Demonic
Could you be the weakest link in your family? Your domestic church, your home, is a spiritual fortress. It is meant to keep the demonic away from your family. On this episode of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam will help you think through what you are doing that may be opening the doors for the demonic into your household.
Open Forum
Religious demonologist Adam Blai and Angel specialist Debbie Georgianni answer listener questions about angel encounters, mental illness and possession, what to do with tarot cards, are mediums actually talking to the dead, the sacrilegious display at the Olympics, and more.
The Power of Icons
Have you ever wondered why icons are so special? Icons are windows into the invisible world. And our Eastern Catholic brothers have a very robust understanding of the role of icons in prayer. On this episode of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam welcome from the Fr. Thomas Loya, pastor of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church in Homer Glen, Illinois, and host of EWTN’s Light of the East, to discuss everything about icons.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is coming up soon. She has a great power in the spiritual world. On this episode of The Spirit World, we’ll talk about Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the brown scapular, the battle of Elijah on Carmel, spiritual protection, and deliverance from Purgatory.
Praying for the Dead
When a loved one dies, it is our responsibility to pray for them. They do not become angels and we cannot assume that they are in Heaven yet. On this episode, we discuss praying for the poor souls in purgatory: how it’s done and when to do it.
Live Open Mailbag
The Spirit World listeners have such fascinating and penetrating questions. The mailbag is getting full. So on this episode Debbie and Adam are rapid-fire answering as many questions as possible from both live callers and emails.
Eucharistic Adoration Experiences
Our discussion of Perpetual Adoration last week was so fruitful, and the listeners had so many experiences to share, that we will continue discussing Perpetual Adoration on this episode.
Perpetual Adoration
Not only is Perpetual Adoration a beautiful way for individuals to connect with Jesus, but it also has immense benefits for parish communities. Debbie and Adam will unpack that, with you, on the show today.
Open Forum for June
It's time for our month of June Open Forum. You can ask Debbie and Adam whatever you have been wondering about angels, demons, or how the spiritual and physical worlds interact.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, Debbie and Adam will cover all things related to this beloved devotion.
Blessed Virgin Mary
Dr. Mark Miravalle, an expert on the theology around the Blessed Virgin Mary, joins Debbie and Adam to talk about the new Vatican document about Marian apparitions, the proposed 5th Marian dogma, and the confusion about the term Co-Redemptrix.
Open Mailbag for May
It's time for the Monthly Mailbag episode for May. Was your question answered? Listen and find out!
Open Forum on the Month of Mary
It's our monthly Open Forum show for May. Since it's the month dedicated to Mary, we'd love to hear any question you have about our Blessed Mother. You can also ask anything related to the invisible spiritual world all around us.
Blessed Mary
Why are there so many appearances of Mary? All over the world, all throughout history... Just what is going on? In this month of May, which is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we're talking about the big picture of what the Holy Spirit is doing with Marian apparitions, and what it means for you.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
There are so many misconceptions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We want you to be able to receive the healing graces of this powerful sacrament with confidence. So on this episode of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam talk to Fr. Doug Brown, who is a pastor in Cleveland and the chaplain for the EWTN affiliate AM 1260 The Rock.
April Mailbag Show
It's time for the Monthly Mailbag episode for April. Was your question answered? Listen and find out!
Relics, Angels, and Not Demons
This week is Open Forum so we are taking your questions about the Supernatural.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Mercy is what our world needs right now and this week, we are talking about the Divine Mercy Messages of St. Faustina.
Holy Saturday
What are we to do with Holy Saturday? What does it mean that Jesus descended into hell? What role did the angels play in the Resurrection? Call 877-757-9424 to talk to Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai live on the air.
Making the Most of Your Holy Week
Let's make the most of the rich traditions, rites, and meanings of Holy Week, which starts tomorrow with Palm Sunday, and sacred Triduum. Do you have suggestions for other listeners? Do you have questions about this holy time? Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai are live on the air each Saturday to answer your questions.
We celebrate the days of two great saints this week: St. Patrick and St. Joseph. They are both very powerful in spiritual warfare. Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai will discuss how we ought to ask them to intercede for us.
On today's The Spirit World, bring your questions. Debbie Georgianni, angel specialist, and Adam Blai, religious demonologist, are taking live questions about anything related to the invisible world we all live in. We'll cover demonic manifestations, guardian angels, prayer, saints, and especially the new saint movie, "Cabrini."
Big Pictures
Adam and Debbie tackle Hollywood this week and when big pictures take on the supernatural how does it shape our culture.
Open Mailbag for Feb
Open Mailbag taking your questions about the supernatural
Open Forum for February
It's an open forum to ask your questions about the Supernatural.
Prepping for Lent
This week Debbie & Adam help you to get spiritually prepared the best Lenten season as well as take your calls on the supernatural.
Being Spiritually Prepared
This week Debbie & Adam help you to get spiritually prepared an event or training. What do we need to be aware of? That's this weeks topic on The Spirt World.
Open Mail Bag for January
This week is Open Forum on The Spirit World as we open the mailbag to answer your questions about the supernatural.
Open Forum for January
Lady in Spiritual Warfare
This week we talk about the role of our Lady in Spiritual Warfare and her different roles for the different struggles in life. Your calls are welcome as well on all things supernatural.
Satan clubs in the School
This week we talk about the rise of Satan clubs growing on school campuses. You calls are welcome about as well on all things supernatural.
Spiritual New Year
Debbie and Adam take listener calls on suicide, confession, satanic rosaries, and of course resolutions and spiritually preparing for 2024. Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve Family Time
Debbie and Adam take live calls the weekend before Christmas. Questions on family, witchcraft, loneliness, Advent, history, and... haunted clocks?
Interior Joy
Debbie Georgianni and Religious Demonologist Adam Blai will be talking about interior joy for the 3rd week of Advent. We will also take your calls and answer your emails about the supernatural.
Blessed Mother
Debbie Georgianni and Religious Demonologist Adam Blai discuss the unique role of the Blessed Mother. We will also take your calls and answer your emails about the supernatural.
Open Mail Bag for December
Adam and Debbie are Opening their mail bag to answer your emails about the supernatural.
Incarnation of Christ
As we prepare for advent, we can prepare our hearts as well…Debbie Georgianni and Religious Demonologist Adam Blai this week on The Spirit World discuss the ways to encourage each other through the incarnation of Christ.
Open Forum for November
As enter into Thanksgiving, Debbie Georgianni and Religious Demonologist Adam Blai this week on The Spirit World take your questions about the supernatural with our monthly open forum.
Open Mail Bag for November
Debbie Georgianni & Adam Blai open the mailbag this week to answer your questions about the supernatural.
All Saints and Holy Souls
This week we're talking All Saints and Holy Souls with Debbie Georgianni & Adam Blai.
Is it ok for Catholics to celebrate Halloween? Debbie Georgianni and Religious Demonologist Adam Blai discuss the origins of Halloween and its modern day form.
Open Mail Bag for October
This week we take your calls and open the mailbag to discuss the supernatural.
Blessed Carlo Acutis
This weekend on The Spirit World, we will be talking about Blessed Carlo Acutis, the millennial saint who was passionately devoted to the eucharist. I’m Debbie Georgianni and you are invited to join Religious Demonologist Adam Blai and me as we celebrate as well as taking your calls and answering your emails about the supernatural and demonic activity.
Our Lady of Victory
As we honor the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary under the title Our Lady of Victory, We will dive deeply into the most Holy Rosary as a powerful prayer against heresies and paganism. I’m Debbie Georgianni and you are invited to join Religious Demonologist Adam Blai and me as we celebrate as well as taking your calls and answering your emails about the supernatural and demonic activity.
Adam & Debbie talk angels - Archangels and guardian angels as they take callers questions on all things related to the spirit world!
Feast of Padre Pio
This week Debbie Georgianni & Adam Blai celebrate the feast of Padre Pio and his mystical gifts.
This week on The Spirit World, Debbie Georgianni and Religious Demonologist Adam Blai discuss the power of confession.
Open Mailbag for Sept
THE SPIRIT WORLD WITH ADAM BLAI & DEBBIE GEORGIANNI Opening the mailbag to answer your questions about the Supernatural
Inside an Exorcism
This week Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai help us understand the supernatural as they take us inside an exorcism.
Open Mailbag for Aug
Open Mailbag to address your questions on the supernatural.
Power of Reconciliation
This week on The Spirit World, we discuss the powerful sacrament of reconciliation and its role in spiritual warfare.
Honor They Father & Mother
This week on The Spirit World, we discuss the commandment "Honor Thy Father & Mother" as well as take your calls about the supernatural.
Mystical aspects of the Mass
This week on The Spirit World, we will be talking about the source and submit of our faith and covering the mystical aspects of the mass.
July Mailbag Show
This weekend we open the mailbag to your questions about angels and demons.
Games People Play
This week discussing how these seemingly harmless games people play can actually be leading them into the occult. Very important information will be shared so we invite you to join us and also call in with your questions.
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Coming up this weekend, we will be addressing from Elijah to Armageddon, Mount Carmel and our lady over it all and that includes the brown scapular
St. Michael
This Week, we will explore the details of the Saint Michael cave in Gargano, Italy. The cave that St Francis felt unworthy to enter and that It has been a pilgrimage site for thousands.
Bonus Mailbag
June Mailbag Show
This week on The Spirit World, you call in with your question or comment for This Month's Open Forum and Mailbag show. We also will be taking your calls and emails to address your questions about supernatural.
This week on The Spirit World, we’re talking about Consecrations. What are they? Where do they come from and how do we do them?
Degrees of Demonic Activity
What are the varying degrees of demonic activity? This weekend on The Spirit World, we will dive into the different levels and shed light on the fact that demonic possession is actually quite rare. We will be opening up our lines and answering your questions. I'm Debbie Georgianni inviting you to join Religious Demonologist Adam Blai & I this weekend on The Spirit World.
June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On the next, The Spirit World we will be discussing the devotion to the Sacred Heart and how praying from the heart can be very effective. I’m Debbie Georgianni and I invite you to join Religious Demonologist Adam Blai and I this weekend on The Spirit World. As we take your questions concerning the supernatural and demonic activity facing this world.
May Mailbag
The Blessed Mother's Role in the Spirit World
This week Adam & Debbie discuss The Blessed Mother's Role in the Spirit World as well as take your calls and emails.
Mystical Body of Christ
This weekend We will explore the role and understanding of the Mystical Body of Christ.
The Holy Rosary
This weekend to start the month of Mary we’re talking about the Development of the Holy Rosary.
Open Mailbag
Exorcism in the Movies
With the release of "The Pope's Exorcism" & "NEFARIOUS" This week Adam & Debbie discuss Exorcism in the Movies.
Divine Mercy
This week Adam & Debbie discuss the private revelation of divine mercy.